Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Update -- October 22, 2008

My Dad has been in the hopsital and is seriously ill. I've been with the family for a couple of weeks. He's doing better, but still has a long way to go...

Below is an email that went out to friends last Friday when we brought him home from the hospital....

_______________________beginning of Patzcuaro message.............

We brought Errol home from the hospital yesterday in one of Patzcuaro’s new ambulances. He’s resting comfortably in his own bed and happy to be home with Sabrina, Gato, Gata and Paco!

He’s doing well, but still needs a lot of rest… So no visitors or telephone calls please.

He’s gone through a lot in the last week and a half, but he’s like the energizer bunny … He keeps going and going and going!

His sense of humor is as perverse as always. One morning in the hospital he woke up after thinking he wasn’t going to make it and his first words were, “I’m still alive. What a disappointment.”

He originally went to the hospital because Rose Ann found him on the floor in the middle of the night and thought that he was having a stroke. As it=2 0turns out he did not. He does have some neurological problems with the brain due to lack of proper blood flow which medication is helping. While at the hospital he had a massive nose hemorrhage. Had he not been in the hospital with excellent care he would not have made it. He said this procedure was worse than anything he’s experienced before. If all of this was not enough, he then went into heart failure. The doctor’s were able to clear his lungs quickly of fluid which made for a miraculous and quick recovery which is why he was able to come home.

He and the rest of the family have had a lot of ups and downs in the last twelve days… It’s been quite a roller coaster ride!!!

We appreciate everyone’s thoughts and prayers. Rose Ann would love to hear from everyone via email!!!!

Errol, Rose Ann, Rick, Debra, Charlie, Sabrina, Gato, Gata and Paco!!!

____________________________________ end of Patzcuaro message….

I'm giving a talk this Sunday in San Miguel... I'm using the same title that I used in Irapauto a few months ago.... "LEARNING TO LIVE WITH, FEEL COMFORTABLE AND BE PRODUCTIVE WITH A DISABILITY!"

This will be the first time that I speak publically in San Miguel about what I'm doing and what I'm trying to accomplish.