Saturday, March 15, 2008

Comment on Entry 45

It was written last night after an intense week. It states fairly honestly my feelings and concerns. I talk about wanting to do motivational speeches, etc. in my Mission Statement and have broached the subject on occasion in blog entries.

This time in my life is going to give me the opportunity to share:

What keeps me going!
What gives me hope!
What motivates me!

Side Note:

After talking with Mary and Juan this morning the maestros disrespect was not caused by the issue of disability, but by... I can talk about this at some later date. The two girls on the other hand...

Also, Mary... my office manager said that it was OK to use her name! you'll be hearing a lot more about her in the future...

1 comment:

Private Owner said...

I admire your tolerance for frustration and your perseverance Charlie. I see how your previous life experiences have developed the traits of character you need now to realize your business dreams.

If it was easy a lot more people would be doing it.

And good on ya for listening to your intuition. Not easy when you don't want to do what it's telling you. Well done!