Sunday, July 13, 2008

(65th Entry) This week…

This week has been another exciting week. We’ve made tremendous strides in our new candle facility. We’ve seem to have worked out the kinks of opening a new factory. In addition, we’re finishing our prototypes for our new Grabado machines… glass carving. These machines are being made locally and two (four workstations) are being made for wheelchairs.

On Friday we had four individuals come to our office to interview for positions in Grabado that begin on Monday, July 28th. The four individuals were disabled. These four plus two other individuals (disabled as well) will begin working in two weeks.

As I’ve said numerous times… Life in interesting! I feel as if I’m in a strange position. I have this desire to hire disabled individuals… give people an opportunity to work. This is great! It’s what I want to do. It feels like the right thing to do based on my past and my interests… and the need. All of the individuals on Friday seemed to be very excited about having this opportunity.

In one way this is strange because it’s very touching to watch people as they’re given an opportunity to do… It’s strange because I remember how difficult at times it was for me to have a job… to get a job.

It’s strange because this company that my family has is a business. It’s not a non profit organization trying to do good. It’s a “real” company offering “real” jobs and sells “real” products.

The employees are “value-add”. They produce and truly earn their pay.

We’re in the midst of a severe retail slowdown. Yet, I’ve made commitments to hire and give an opportunity to a number of individuals.

If I had been asked a year ago if I wanted to publicize what I’m doing to the level that I am… I would have unequivocally said… “No Way!!!” “Desperate times call for desperate measures.”

Sometimes I ask myself "Why"... Why am I doing this? Questioning is good. It’s good to know where you’re coming from and why you’re doing what you’re doing. What is my motivation? What are my reasons for doing what I'm doing?

I didn’t want to have to be so public. I worry about exploiting the people I have working for us. However the bottom line is… either we sell our products… and our products are great!!! Or we don’t. The consequences of not selling means… no jobs or at least fewer jobs.

If you had been at my office on Friday, seen the people, seen their eyes, their excitement… and their gratitude… If I was just doing this for business… there are much easier ways.

As I said… I always question my motives. Sure… I want my family’s company to be successful… who wouldn’t?

I walked away Friday frightened… because I have made these commitments… I’ve seen for myself the people. It’s real.

And by the way… selling more means more jobs!

Currently I have four disabled individuals working in our grabado facility… 4 out of 7. By the end of the month we should have six more disabled individuals… 10 out of 13 doing grabado.

Two other blogs to read about what I’m doing…

Jennifer Rose... Staring at Strangers: When Disability is a Metaphor

John Woods... A Life in Mexico: Employing the Handicapped

Plus my sister-in-law will be writing an article about what we’re doing soon as well…

In addition... she has a great blog on Mexico: Zocalo de Mexican folk Art If you have an interest in Mexico... It's a must read!

The response and support that I've received has been amazing.

My Mother and Father are here helping out after four years of retirement from the business.

My brother and sister-in-law are always an integral part of all of this. They are involved in everything from production to marketing to whatever needs to be done!!!

This is truly a family affair and none of this would be possible without them!

Plus friends... more than willing to lend their expertise, guidance and advice to help this project, the products and the company to succeed.

One more person that has contributed so much to this project is our office manger... Mary Gonzales. My brother hired her two and a half years ago when the company moved it's offices to Mexico. She had no idea what she was getting in to. I just walked in one day a year ago and said... this is what I want to do.

1 comment:

jennifer rose said...

Charlie, you're doing a bang-up job, and you're doing exactly the right thing. Your blog, your factory, and your efforts are touching more people than you can ever imagine.